I so win

Jan 15, 2009 04:51

So, finally decided to try a little something called Semagic, which allows me to post to as many journals as I want and with one application. And I finally figured out how to add in all my accounts. :D I know, I'm a tech loser, but you all knew all that already. Lets hope this works as that would mean my IJ journals will actually be you know, updated on a regular basis. Then again, my writing journal over there is really out of date and I need to fix that. Really bad. XD I'll get to it eventually, when I feel like doing some copy and pasting. And fixing links. Or even better! Masochistic.

So, what have I been up to? Absolutely nothing. And enjoying every minute of it. Mostly since I'm a boring person and enjoying my easy week of work before the next at least month of hell. Yes, the nights are planned to get slower, but still have the new guy to get into a postion to where he knows how to balance cleaning/taking orders/filling orders/finding little things that Mel will find and nit pick on. I'm not sure why, but it seems she's been waking up on the wrong side of the bed lately, and enjoying making us stay past 6 again with little crap that's not really out jobs. Let alone adding things to the cleaning lists. I know that we're expecting a Stacy visit soon, but that's besides the point. It's not like she doesn't have the people to help out or anything like that. Nope. Instead, midnights gets to shovel more bullshit! Oh the joys!

Home life's been good. Peaceful actually. Crystal has been the new house wife and damn the apartment is looking good. So we're a little more finiancially strapped. I'm not too worried about it. After all, I'm working nothing but 40 hour work weeks and the other one is getting more than 30 hours so I'm not worried about money. Just means that I have to be a little more watchful and not buy on whims anymore. I can save a little money. After all, no one has ever been hurt by saving money, only helped by it.

Otherwise, been playing Zoo Tycoon like mad, some wow, and Sims thrown in. Totally excited about Sims 3 coming out in Feburary that we are so planning to splurge on. Also thinking about buying a ps3 with the income taxes this year, and the Gundam Wing game and Crystal and I can fangirl all over the place. Although I'm still not sold on it since I really want a laptop so that the days I'm feeling anitsocial, I can stay locked up in my room. Plus, it would allow me to play my clicky games in peace, as I miss playing my clicky games on neopets. And rping with emo little teenagers. ...I just realize how pathetic I was three years ago. XD


gonna see how well this thing works psycho

work, random, ramble

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