The Human Race Saddens Me

Apr 29, 2008 05:59

Separate cuts because...I have a lot to complain about. Well, some complaining, some ranting. You know. The usual b.s.

Ug. I wish the words would just come out of my head onto the screen. My laziness/distraction from Star Trek: The Next Generation (that's actually the same age as I am...). Yes, I'm listening to it, because I am a geek/loser. I admit it freely. Blame my sperm donner and thank whatever deity you pray to/believe in/ ...whatever that I like Next Gen. instead of the first Star Trek. Data most likely has a PH.D. in kicking your ass. odd crossover reference. whoever knows it gets an internet cookie. On to the actual post!!!!!


This weekend has been about as bad as I predicted. With the usual midnight manager having family issues and calling off, we had Nessa cover for her. Vanessa is an awesome manager and always gets us out on time, but the girl needs to take a chill pill or more cigarette breaks or something. She was on a spaz attack and had Chris and I ready to just barricade her in the office until we got everything done. Midnights, you can't worry about times or the fact that sometimes, we do wait for food. It happens. Especially on the weekends were I swear people are psychic and can tell when I'm running out of something. Like the dollar chicken. u__u I was dropping 8 (normal is 3) at a time and still ran out in a ten minute time-span. And to think summer's coming up...*sobs* I hate the summer...I really do.

And Tom was not so useless as he has been. The pupil is (thankfully) learning. So proud. And so is Heidi. She's so much better at the manager paperwork than what she was when she first started. *tear* My little students are growing up and becoming strong midnight people. maybe getting off early now isn't just a fairy tale

Which brings me to a point I have made over and over again: I should be a crew trainer. Really. I was told this weekend that I am better then a lot of people we have, which really isn't surprising. Sorry afternoons, you suck and midnights just kick ass. It would also be nice if they started training people on service instead of grill. We have me and little Asian Chris (which isn't racist. He calls himself that because that place has so many guys named 'Chris'. It's like a chrispalooza without the good music.) who are the grill people. We're both strong in the area and kick major ass. What we need is more service people, yet no one seems to be catching onto that.

I really need a new job. Badly. Before I seriously go steal one of my roommates dad's guns and just start taking people out. And I'd take the armor piercing ammunition thank you very much. If you're going to go insane, do it right. :D

Another good thing about this week is that Mel, the bitchiest morning manager I ever dealed with is on vacation. Which means I don't have to worry about her nit picking the grill/service area all week. Seriously! If there is nothing wrong that she can find right away, she nit picks every little detail like she enjoys making us stay over and try to make the store look like no ones worked in it all night. Guess what people, it's open 24 hours now. Being used, being cleaned as we go, and believe it or not, we have rushes too on midnights. Now, they aren't anywhere near day rushes, but we also have less people. 2 crew and a manager. Now, compare that with 2 managers and around 13 people. We're not miracle workers, and she needs to understand that.

all about me bitches
So...other than work, I've been feeling really out of it lately. I'd call it depression, but it's really not really it. I've been getting bored with everything that I usually find solace in, like writing, sketching, reading, playing any sort of video game, and watching shows. Although the watching shows thing has picked back up. Thank God.

But I don't know wtf is wrong exactly. I think I need to start getting out of the house more somehow, because really. All I really do is play on the computer and work. I poke my notebook around and my sketchbook just has all these really crappy random the page done entirely with my left hand. My boredom seems to have no bounds. Hm. Maybe I'll try drawing with my foot again. Those always come out interesting.

So...if I avoid messenger for a few days, it's because I'm trying to jog my muse into doing something. not that I haven't been doing that already, but just saying. I'm alive, just feeling a little distant. I think another contributor is that I really don't think I'll get the manager position. For one thing, we don't have a car, and Helen doesn't like that fact. I mean, I can walk anywhere and catch a bus anywhere else and walk from there. I think. I just need to check the routes. I think Chris is going to have the same problem too, because he was talking to Heidi and that's what she said. Maybe that's what's dragging me down?

Ug. I hope not. Why can't I be indifferent like I was after the interview? If not, the rejection is going to hurt. Sort of like when Cristy got manager instead of me. That hurt a lot because I know I could be a better one than her. Even though I was 19 at the time. For one thing, I know how to study at home, don't smoke, nor can stay in one play for very long, so sitting out in lobby all night is a no-no. Maybe it's a good thing I got transfered after all. ><' I just really couldn't stand that woman...

Anime Reviews-->contains spoilers because I can't keep my big mouth shut. You have been warned.

YES! Something less angsty!! Sit back and enjoy. i wish I knew more of the new ones coming out, but oh well.

Code Geass R2
Genre: Mecha, Science fantasy

Lets do the series I have been excited about since November and have been waiting forever for. The animation is still par to the first season, and CLAMP is just as fucked up full of awesome as ever~ Although, I'm still waiting for someone to lose an eye. Anyway, it's shaping up to be just as good as a mind fuck as the first season, with Lelouch already playing his mind games with Brittania and his fake brother. I swear, if you watch it, it will make sense. I think they kept the same beginning song, but I could be wrong about that. It's by the same group that did season one, I know that much because I recognize the beat and sound. I keep meaning to check on that, but I'll do that after I post this. Either way, I hope it doesn't end on a cliffhanger like the first season did. If it does, I'll be antsy for the third season/ova/anything I can get my hands on.

Kyou Kara Maou: Season 3
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shonen-ai <- The shonen-ai part is sorta one-sided, sorta not. It's odd...

Bah. When I found out that the rumors about a third season were true, I squeed. When people started putting the links for download, I squeed some more and ran off to watch it. Now, I understand that it's being done by a different production company than the first two, but couldn't they buy the song for the first two seasons? I can almost sing the first phrase by heart (and understand about half of what I'm saying...) and I don't care for the new song. Could be the purist in me, but whatever. :P The animation is not really par with the first two seasons either, and you can tell that some characters changed voice actors, but that becomes less noticeable as the episodes go on. However, the animation makes me want to scream. It's not as colorful as the other season, nor is there consistency in the faces/clothing. I was reading how there were mistakes about Wolfram's uniform, but being the unobservant person that I am, didn't catch it at all. What really irks me is the fact that they can't keep the faces in proportion. Sometimes they're longer or they can scrunch up and then go back to normal size. However, episode 4 (82 in the continuation) was a lot better than the other three, the animators are getting used to the characters. I love the plot twists in this one too, with the promise of maybe a darker story. and maybe Yuuri and Wolfram will finally get married. I can hope.

Junjou Romantica
Wiki <-although it's for the manga, there is no anime wiki yet...
Genre: Romance, Yaoi

I remember seeing the trailer for this a long time ago, and thought it was interesting. I actually didn't think about it again until I saw the links for the subbed version and headwalled for forgetting about it. So, I watched it, and found it rather entertaining. It does have its angst, but what yaoi doesn't, and the 'light porn' (nothing really shows or anything. It's heavily's like a soft yaoi manga if that helps.) is more funny than anything. Am I the only one in the world who finds porn funny? I hope not. Anyway, I'm reserving full judgment until we meet all the characters, because the summaries say three couples are shown and so far...we only have the main one. If it keeps at the pace it's going, I totally recommend it for anyone in need of a good laugh.

Monochrome Factor
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Shōnen-ai

This is another comedy that I'm finding that I love to death. I have yet to watch the third episode, but I'm doing that after I download the song from Code Geass. :P Another anime if you need a good laugh, and see some fanservice. When Akira first transforms into a 'shadow', Shirogane ends up kissing him and making him transform. *evil laughter* Up yours shojo-ai! We get our fanservice (and finally long running series. Strawberry Panic! was cute and all, but it just pissed me off that there wasn't a 24 episode shonen-ai series.) almost every episode now! Muwhahaha!! But that's all I'm really going to say about this one. This and JR are newer, so I really don't have much to rant on them, but check them out. Hopefully you're like me and won't be disappointed.

Well, there's my update. Off to watch the latest episode of Monochorme Factor and download my song. X3 Cya on the flip side.


back in a decent mood psycho

rant, work, ramble, life, anime

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