Okay, so I decided to give LJ a chance again after seeing no major screw ups in the past couple of months...that and I miss all the fun times...
That's what I get for reading my old entries. XP I'll still update my deadjournal...I just love that place so much. Mostly because of all the icons I have uploaded over there that won't leave me. Hey, 50's a lot!
Okay, so NaNo stuff. Ug. All the crap that will never be recorded from this year! Well, it's really nothing much, but you know. I'm weird and like to record everything.
So, this year, I'm running almost 10,000 words behind, and I've just written 3000 tonight and have 9000 to go before I'm caught up. So if I talk to anyone on aim/yahoo, FOR THE LOVE OF CHEESE LEND ME YOUR MUSES! *cries* I need them, so badly. Mine's just going really slow for this story, unlike last year's. I have a plot going through my head, and I love it, but I'm just having trouble getting it going. I haven't introduced my other two main characters yet and Enzo, one of my MCs, can't decide where he's going. :\ He likes Julian, he likes Kova, and loves messing with his siblings....
What the hell's gonna happen when he meets my other character?
*sighs* Enzo's fun. Crazy, but fun.
And I'm actually posting my NaNo this year!
Fictionpress! It's completely raw, only spell checked, and unedited other than what little I catch as I type. And I promise the chapters are getting longer. :D
Otherwise...my back's broken. It has to be, or I finally pinched a nerve and it's deteroating because I can't stand on my feet anymore before it starts hurting. Tylenol wasn't working, so I bought some Advil and it's still working, almost 12 hours later. I really want to get it checked out, but I need either insurance or money, neither of which I have. I guess I hope I collapse at work and then maybe get McDonald's to pay for it. I don't want that, but if it comes to that, then it does. >_<
So, that's been life. I now leave you with my story's stats from before NaNo started....since I don't feel like making a new stats sheet yet. I have words to type and a story to create! :P
Title: Situation Normal But All Fucked to Hell (SNBAFTH)
Romance this year?: Maybe, mostly like last year with a little bit of everything.
Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural
How many MC's?: Hahahaha...good question...
Villains?: Everyone and their grandmother. This is a world of turmoil.
Summary?: Sorta like a weird mix of Angel Sanctuary and Scrapped Princess, but more screwed up in the head...
writing like a maniac (again!) psycho