Mar 02, 2005 21:34
this is an entry that i wrote in my other journal my actual handwriting journal, but i wanted to share it with you all:
Today i realized how much my friends really do care about me. Even when we're having problems and aren't the best of friends i know i can always go back to them for anything....anytime. Right now i am at a vey scary time in my life and last night i told my friend about it all. My friend that i would tell i was having problems, but never really in detail and there was a lot that i wouldn't tell him that was wrong. Even tho me and him are at a strange place in our re-friend-lation-ship, i told him everything that was wrong in my life last night and it felt good. It felt good to tell him and feel like he realy cared as a friend, with no outside feelings involved. Last night was also a good night for me and one of my ex-boyfriends. For the first time in about a year and a half i really feel like me and him are becoming the best of friends again and that feels god too. And with my note i would just like the say that i love Chad and Colby and thank you to you guys for always being thre when i needed you most. and to everyone... open your eyes every one and awhile andreally appreciate the ones you love, but more importantly the ones that love you.
<3 Jenn;