Another ride on this crazy carousel... (or, I forgot to title this one until after I posted it)

Mar 28, 2004 23:52

I'm in a pretty good mood. To update, me and Jake talked some over the past couple of days, and somehow that gave me some peace, dare I say closure, for the time being about the whole thing. It might not last, but nothing lasts, and "for the time being" seems to be more important at the moment than long-term anything. I got my labret switched out at High Priestess (very cool people, btw), exchanged that horrible ball-on-a-post for a bloodstone cabechon (sp?). I like it. A lot. And it's bloodstone. Granted I would absolutely love it to have a vein, but it's hard to find anything in bloodstone, much less bloodstone with veins. Something to keep an eye out for... They had carnelian too, and I was tempted, but I'm very hesitant to put red things on my face. I was also tempted by the spikes, especially since I probably won't be kissing anyone for a long time, and maybe it would be a good deterrent for any more bi guys who try to stick their tongue in my mouth (not that I mind, particularly, but that's a whole other issue...), but I figured, why make the ban on my mouth official? I'm definitely open to the idea of kissing under the right conditions, and I don't want to have to preface it with "sorry if I stab you in the face" or "excuse me while I go change out the metal in my lip." And it gives me some sort of semblance of false hope. w00t. And besides, bloodstone rocks.

Floater concert for my birthday. There were many downsides. Big, stupid, fat, drunk men who try to throw me into the pit, being one of them. Another being the damaged sound cable, a little feedback, and bad levels on bass and vocals. But for some reason, none of it mattered in the end. I enjoyed it. Hollywood was especially enjoyable. And the little short guy in front of me with tattoos up his neck who was specifically not an ass... And the very nice-to-look-at, very serene (stoned?) guy who I was next to for a while... And having my friends all around me...

Oh, and I bleached my hair again on Friday morning, and then did toner, and it looked really good, and looked really good up. With AquaNet. And stayed up even when I slept on it. The back of the sides collapsed a bit when I slept on them, but I was really tempted to leave it up instead of taking it down in the shower. I decided against that, but when I went to take them down in the shower, I had to shampoo twice and really work at it to get them down. Next time I'll just adjust them, since they seem like they'll make it through the shower unharmed. Good to know. AquaNet is the shit. More than I had even thought before.

Back in time real quick, Aimee and I came up on Wednesday and ran around and took pictures. I'm excited to see how they came out. She was using b&w for Lanier's class, and I was using color on my old Pentax, trying out the new handheld light meter. It's not nearly as difficult as I had feared. Still kind of a pain, but we'll see how good the pictures came out. That will be the true judge. The weather was really sporadic, but I think we got some really awesome shots. *Bubbling with artistic excitement* In bad news, I left my camera in Tim's car, so I won't be able to finish off the roll until I go back to Eugene next weekend.

Speaking of which, Buzby's coming into town and that makes me uber-happy. I'm excited to see that kid. Maybe I'll finish off my roll of film on him. Now there's an idea. A good one, even.

I have school tomorrow. It's all setting in... I realized last night that I wasn't going back to Eugene after the show and it really kind of upset me. It hadn't really hit me, and then *bam*... And then when people left this morning I was sad that I hadn't woken up earlier to hang out with them for a while before they had to go. I really enjoyed having people here, and Emily and Will were soo cute this morning. It makes me miss having that, but I felt more happy for them than bitter for myself, which is a good sign. Goes back to what I was talking about at the beginning.

Oh yeah, so school tomorrow. I only have painting on Mondays. I think I will really enjoy that. I need to deal with this study abroad shit though. The deadline is coming up mighty fast. I think I'll be able to get it in a couple of days early (I'm hoping for Tuesday), but I'm having a hard time with the personal statement. It just reminds me too much of scholarship apps and lying like I know what I'm doing with my life. Kind of funny, but frustrating.

I went and read in the park blocks today, but I got started so late today that I didn't get to soak up much of the sun. Maybe I'll get to do more of that tomorrow, if I can get my act together. I saw Landon, and sat across from another guy who was also reading the DaVinci Code. That amused me. It seems like I always see Landon when I go out to the park blocks on weekends. I mean, it makes sense, since he lives on campus, but I like it. He's a cool guy, and I'm glad that I've had him in at least one art class every term. He's nice. Even though he did cut off all his hair and looks really normal now. Oh well.

My hair is really really soft. I conditioned the fuck out of it this morning. I suppose I should get to bed soon... Class and all that tomorrow...
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