(no subject)

May 18, 2013 18:32

Dear Everybody Who Owns a Dog,

If I am trying to get my own car into my own driveway and you are standing there blocking my way, with your dog on a leash, while your dog yips at my cat, and my cat cowers, ears laid back, the appropriate response when my son says "I don't think Faye likes doggies," is not to tell either the people or the cat, "It's ok, she's nice," and continue to stand in the driveway so I can't properly park my car while my cat looks on helpless and wary.

Pretty much, when ever I, my son, or my cat are on our own property we shouldn't have to deal with your stupid dog. It is not ok to stand there and tell us "It's ok," after we have given you even the slightest indication that we don't want the dog there.

Just because you love the thing does not mean that everyone else in the world has to.

I am not a dog hater, I am an irresponsible pet owner hater.

No love,
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