
Jul 04, 2006 13:23

I stay so busy. It's good and I'm having the time of my life, but sometimes I think I would just like to slow down. Right now I'm home all alone, probably the first time I've been alone besides when I'm driving in a week or two. Silence is intimidating when you haven't had it in a while.

This really is the time of my life. I wish Huntsville had been like this. But that's neither here nor there. I actually don't know if I will go back there. I feel like something is going to change in the fall and it will alter the entire course of my life that I have planned. Hopefully God blows my plans out of the water. His plan is always so much more than I could have thought of or ever expected. I love my dad.

Mahlon, my friend from Zambia who now lives in Georgia is supposed to call me sometime in the next several days. I love getting his emails. They make me smile before I even open them. There's only a few select people that make me smile just by seeing their name. Melz is one of them. I can't wait until I go back to Africa. I honestly can not wait.

London is fast approaching. I know that it's coming, and I'm looking forward to it, but I'm afraid that it's just going to spring itself on me and I won't be ready for it. I'm going to get thrown into a culture that I haven't prepared for and I'm not going to know what to do. I can make time to prepare though, and I will. There's so much left to do to get ready. Eeeeee! That was a squeal of excitement.

I love, love, love my job. Sometimes I still feel inadequate, but that's the glory of working for God. My weakness allow him to step in and display his strength. I love working with junior highers. I don't know why because they're all a little crazy, but I've bonded so much with them already. I want to try and plan a girl's evening with all of them, I just don't have any good ideas yet. I'm working on it though.

I love anticipating change. I love change. I like that I can look back on times in my life and seen how I've taken those experiences and grown. It's funny to think about the chances I've taken and how they've molded me. If I hadn't ever done this one thing, then I wouldn't be how I am now and not doing that one thing wouldn't have let me do this one thing which wouldn't have led me to this. I know that was vague as all get out, but there wasn't any particular thing that I was thinking of, it's more like I was thinking of everything.
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