Mar 11, 2006 09:57
So I rented a few movies last night to kill time.
First I watched "The Brother's Grimm" Which I figured was going to be the lame movie of the evening. Surprisingly, as bad as it was, it did not bottom my list. I thought the acting was under par for who was in the movie. The story line and plot really blew and the ending was just lame.... if you are in full traction and a body cast, and cannot go any where and are desperate for something to watch, this might qualify as the one thing better than killing yourself.
The second movie was the one I thought might be really good.. and it ended up as the stinko movie of the season. This would be the one movie that, if you are in full traction and a body cast, and cannot go anywhere and are desperate for something to watch, killing yourself might be the better thing to do than have to be trapped and watch "The Four Brothers."
Nothing in this movie made sense. Why the police did not show up at any gun fight until long afterwards was disturbing. Why did no other of the "80" other rival gang's in the neighborhood that Mark Walburgs chararcter possible belonged to at some point in his characters previously pathtic life come and pull out their guns and join in the gun fight was beyond me. "Yo man, I'm trying to watch the simple life, will someone pop a goddamn cap into those mutha fuckas ass and shut them the fuck up!" (Although having this happen might have helped this movie greatly.)
Wow... and for some reason I kept watching, hoping that at some point, it would get better. Car's driving with blown out tires better than the car with 4 good tires. Fully automatic rifles that shot through bricks but did not hit the person(s) behind them. The 30 or so henchmen for a powerful crime lord who turned on him for about $120.92 each when it came down to getting paid, before taxes. And the ever classic line after the "The four brothers" became "The 3 live brothers and one dead one" where the police are looking at all the dead bodies in the street, look at the 3 remaining brothers and say "We'll just call this self defense." and walked away made my fuckin head spin.
I really should have rented that Mary Kate and Ashly Olson movie, "Eating dissorders in a NY minute" or something like that. At least with that movie I would have known that it would undoubtedly, blow chunks!