Very scientifical purposes.
The Rod of RodsThe cane's smooth, round cross-section, lightness, and speed transmit maximal deep-down sensation while causing minimal surface trauma. Intense sting and several days sitting-down discomfort -- an ideal reminder for students -- may be inflicted leaving only stripes that soon fade. A stringent birching slashes the loins into a bloody shambles. Thus frequent caning is both practical and humane.
Caning & Rods - Art of CaningThe dominants need to understand that their submissive's body is a body which echoes and vibrates. The idea of using the cane is to impact, let the vibration echo and travel, radiate and disperse in the body.
With the Stroke of a Cane: Enjoying CaningIt’s quite painful, but unlike paddling it’s a short, sharp pain. Paddling usually goes on with the paddle hitting the same area repeatedly, and that gives me a longer lasting pain. While the cane strokes have to be measured and I need more breaks to process the pain, it feels exhilarating to take it.
The Joy of CaningA cane stroke occurs mostly in the wrist. When the stroke lands, don't lift the cane up immediately! Let the rattan settle into the skin. Let the skin receive it, continue to absorb the sensation.
SENSUOUS CANINGDeep, careful breathing controls panic, and this is vital as intensity builds. Panic is really the unpleasant portion of pain; take panic away and what's left is just strong sensations. All kinds of wonderful things can be done with strong sensations.