HOLY CRAP GUYS I GOT MY LAPTOP BACK. I missed you Avocado! T___T Although there ARE some merits to this old piece of crap Cucumber here, but, really, it's good to have a laptop back that is fully functional. ^^ And now I can stop griping about it and you guys can stop rolling your eyes and going "oh geez, that beatch Artik is complaining about her laptop again
Fall for Greenville last week was fun! It was like a reverse con, seriously. I slept really well, ate really well, and we weren't constantly running around going "omg we'll miss suchandsuch panel or whatever photoshoot if we don't hurry! DDD: "
Very refreshing change of pace. Also we didn't really cosplay. Much. On Saturday we did "casual Den-O", in which I was a very girly Kintaros,
zipchan was a very in-character Ryuuta,
yugikitsune confused people about her gender CONSTANTLY as Ryoutaro (complete with rainbow gun shirt and wig), and
hcumuoyevol was sort of Deneb with us. Kinda. We also had my friend Kat with us, who doesn't really know about Den-O and instead was calling everybody by Hetalia names. xD
Anyway, the food was awesome (though I'm sure I spent too much money), and getting to troll around Greenville was fun, too.
Work has actually been...well, I can't call it fun exactly, but it hasn't been bad. I think I've just accepted the fact that I'm going to have to be the cashier most of the time, so when I DON'T have to it's almost like a treat, whereas before I was thinking like it was punishment.
Yeah, I don't really know. Cashiering isn't so bad when there's stuff to do, at least. And I've gotten very good at making small talk with customers to distract them from the fact that OUR COMPUTERS SUCK AND ARE SLOWY MC SLOWFACES. :/
I've been watching movies lately! I downloaded the director's cut of Saraba, hoping that maybe with extra footage to fill in some of the questions, and with actual readable subs I might like the movie more. I like it a LITTLE more. I can at least stand Kotaro now. His bad luck inherited from "grandpa Ryoutaro" is actually kind of adorable. And I'm going to echo someone else's statement about the movie, because I'm pretty sure they added some of this in for the DC version, but what was with all the Ryuuta abuse? It seemed like Momo was the only one being nice to Ryuuta for the whole movie and that's just not right. DX It was like they were trying to throw off the Kin/Ryuu shippers or something, goodness. They were like "hey guys, this pairing is so not canon. Look, Kintaros doesn't even like Ryuuta, he's throwing him on the ground and slamming his head into majhong tables!" But, oh well. All the Momo/Ryou and Ura/Momo ship teases were worth watching the movie. And seeing the suit actor for Liner Form falling off of the horse during the credits. And...yeah. That's about it.
Here's hoping Onigashima is better!
My roommates and I have a large and growing list of movies that we need to watch, because one or two of us haven't seen them and the person who HAS is like "but it's the best movie ever!". So far we've watched Wimbledon and Memoirs of a Geisha, both which I actually liked. Wimbledon was basically a generic romantic comedy injected with a ton of British humor and snark. So it was a fun movie. Memoirs of a Geisha was...well, Memoirs of a Geisha. Basically my thoughts were "ooh, pretty costumes" and "god dammit why do I think the chairman is hot? GAH."