So I made some progress yesterday in the hair/wigs front. On Wednesday night, instead of studying for a midterm, I dyed my hair black for Tsubaki. It used to be a sort of dark brown color, and now it's mostly all blue-black. I love it! And the great thing is, now that I've figured out Tsubaki's hairstyle, and I'm buying some extensions for my hair, I essentially have the perfect hair for Twilight Suzuka, too.
Also I did indeed get my Corni extensions on Tuesday, and yesterday I sewed them into wefts and braided them and all that shizz.
This was my hair before I dyed it. A nice dark brown with red highlights, and the bottom of my hair was darker. =D
Then I dyed it black, put it up in a ponytail with no less than four giant scrunchies, and shoved a popsicle stick into it.
Corni wig with the braided extensions. Unfortunately it only looks right when taking pictures without the flash. With the flash the braid is almost a completely different color. And in real life? This wig is actually EYE-BLINDINGLY BRIGHT purple, no kidding. I don't even WANT to know how it comes out such a nice, not-blinding color in pictures taken with my camera. DX
Also, starting today I'm on Spring Break. This means I'll have no internet access for a week, then I'll be going to Momocon at the end of it. This ALSO means that I'll come back from the con ready for a con report and massive picspam. Because I SHOULD have at least two costumes finished by the end of all this. ^^;