Not so rambly thoughts on Stargate's "Pegaus Project"
How much did I love this episode? Enough to watch it seven times since Saturday afternoon. *g* The first two eps were good starts, but this one ran so smoothly, it was gold!
It was so very cool watching Daniel finally getting to Atlantis. That little smile and the way the corners of his eyes crinkle just a bit totally had me melting in my chair each and every time when they were about to land on Atlantis. *happy-happy sighs*
And not to mention Cam's "Sunshine" as he tries to wake a sleeping Daniel. *swoons* There are very few buttons that this episode didn't hit. *bg*
That whole, "Take a minute to enjoy / Okay let's go!"? *Alpha!Lufs*
"This isn't our first BBQ, Dr. MacKay" (possibly paraphrased)
I LOVE Cam's and Rodney's interaction while in the briefing. And Daniel seemed to enjoy watching it too, lol. The way Cam's face goes, "Do you believe this?!" while Rodney did his ranting was priceless! I'm not always enthused when it's evident that they're about to do a "sit at a table and talk talk TALK" bit, but this one was really fun.
They should do crossovers more often. *nods*
What the heck was up with Sheppard though? We've got all this touchy feely with SG1 minus 1, but Shep? Are they trying to down play John/Rodney now? 'Cause I missed that memo.
Heck, last year they were going through the Atlantis map to find their own quarters, and this year Shep carries a lemon around? And that's supposed to be funny?
Shep was so not cool. He was a dick.
And now back to your semi-regular lovin! *g*
"Be good." Yes, dad! With every ep, the team seems to be getting closer and closer to each other. It's the little things: the little looks and smiles, the "be good"s, the "I've been waiting here for hours, you so owe me" that hint that they're all bonding. And I like bonding. *g*
And please don't shoot me, but... I can kinda see Cam/Sam ship. Not that I would ship them. That Jack/Sam stuff has scarred me for life, but I do see the potential here between Cam/Sam. They're on equal footing despite Sam's geniusness. There's no "Yes, sir. No, sir. Three times a day, sir." Heck, they call each other by their first names and understand each others jokes. It's... comfortable. *shrugs* Everytime you had Jack and Sam in the same room alone, everything tenses up. Sexual tension isn't the same as I can't move a muscle out of fear that you'll get the wrong idea kind of tension. Which is what usually happens to Jack when that music plays. *g*
Those stories of MacKay? You know Cam had silently vowed to act as Sam's "body guard" (not that she needed one) probably after Sam had bitched about MacKay one too many times. *g*
So Daniel finally gets to Atlantis and... finds an Ascended infestation, rofl! How much time will he get on Atlantis before they have to leave? *ponders* If anyone wants to write him following a team into an uncharted part of the city for the sake of exploring, I will luv you forever an' ever an'...
The way that Weir asks, "Dr. Jackson?" followed up by Daniel's "Oh, hi." with his little wave? *squees at the kewtness*
Poor Misunderstood Morgan Le Fay
Okay, so here's my taken on her: *g*
First off, her voice was *fantastic*. I could listen to this Le Fay all day long! :D Though I kept getting a bit distracted trying to figure out what was wrong with her front teeth. It seemed like she was focused on hiding her pearly whites while she spoke to Daniel and Vala. Ascended beings shouldn't have bad dental plans, right?
Apparently, she was sent by the "Atlantean Council" to check on Merlin, so it might be safe to say that she's possibly devoted her ascended life to spying. While on Atlantis, she developed the learning tool. Would it be a stretch to assume that she was part of / ran the security department of Atlantis, and created the learning tool for children be left to study within a controled environment? *shrugs* Just thinking with my fingers. *g*
If she was part of security, it would kinda make sense if she was sent by the same council... or whatever you want to call it... to infiltrate Atlantis to watch what Earth's expedition are doing in their playground.
I have to admit I don't remember much about Le Fay when it comes to Authurian legend, 'cause well... she bored me to tears, lol.
But the idea of her being some sort of Atlantean special agent doing the council's bidding is really cool. And then she gets into the whole double-agent thing by trying to tell Daniel et al. something about Merlin's weapon.
She's caught between her duty (to watch over Altantis) and what she feels is the right thing (saving civilization for the Ori).
"Merlin's weapon is not..."
Not what? Not on those planets? Not ready? Not what they should be looking for? If she simply wanted to say which planet the weapon was on, the only word she need to say was the planet on which they could find it.
She wanted to warn them. Of what though? Grrr, I'm so not patient with waiting.
How cool is it that Teal'c got to witness the destruction of an Ori ship? Karma baby! That ending was so freaking cool. Surfing on the encreation disk? *wants* ;)
Wanna see a dust disk surrounding a black hole?
Lookie! Okay, so maybe that was a tad rambly. *g*
A little Ep-Tag:
The council chambers were developed to look daunting, though it always failed to instill fear everytime one of their own had to stand before them. Even when their Promised One, Daniel, stood before them after one too many mischievous acts, he not once feared their presence.
The trial room was set up for the accused to look small and weak amongst their predators, whom sat high on pedestals that circled the chamber's wall. The lights fell low, allowing the prisoner to see not much more than the dancing silhouettes of the council and audience that surrounded them from every angle.
She stood her ground, tilting her chin ever so slightly higher, wanting everyone watching to see that she did what she knew was right. It was too late for her to take her actions back, what she did was done, and she'll accept whatever punishment they'll deem fit. But she'll never admit to being wrong.
"For many a millenia, you have served us well, Morgana." A voice she knew all too well echoed around her, "But your most recent actions have concerned us greatly."
"Do not ask me to explain, I will not bother to answer." Morgana stated defiantly. She knew this dance all too well, having watched it thousands of times before from the other side.
How civilized we have become.
"Very well." Oh how the tables have turned, Morgana thought mirthlessly. The one she was commissioned to observe not that long ago, the very being the Promised One was searching for, circled above her on the highest chair. Their Chancellor, appraising her fate.
"You shall continue to watch our young," the Chancellor decided. "I am curious to know when or if he will remember."
"And if I should interfere again?"
"You will not." The old man spoke with such conviction she wanted to laugh. If only the fables new what they spoke of. How could they have so blindly followed their Magician in the end? Did they ever truly understand how devious this man could be? She knew the possibilities that layed before her, but he would not specify what would lay in store for her should she fail again. To do so would give her a modicum of peace. Something that the High Chancellor does not believe she deserves. Everytime she weighed the possibilities of interfering against her fate, the scale would always tip out of - fear.
"Very well." At last everything fell to darkness around her save for one single light. Morgana was finally alone.
Side not: What's kinda funny? I went to check out Morgan le Fay on wikipedia... and someone has already included an entry of her stint on Stargate SG1. *snickers* How organized is our fandom? lol!