With work taking up all of my free time last week (had a proposal due on Friday and of course we do everything last minute *rolls eyes*), I figured that if the internet had exploded, I wouldn't have noticed until Saturday. *pouts*
Then I did nothing but watch TV this weekend. I hate doing nothing at all on my weekends, but I was just so lazy.
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Stephi!!! *tackle hugs*
I got your parcel *tackles* Thank you sooo much! *more hugs*
*blinks* Already?! Wow! I thought it would have reached you in time for Christmas, lol. Woohoo!
And your welcomes! *bg*
I'm all about the happy sigh for the gay oldskool Stargate *happy sigh*
*nods* Nothing beats it! *g*
Haven't had the could-be-botheredness to write anything up - maybe before next week I'll get something.
I know how you feel! Writing up that long ramble took all day, 'cause I went for naps and tv watching every ten minutes, lol. It wasn't my first time watching that ep, though. And I couldn't stop yawning from being so tired. *yawns*
I'm capping it right now, I'll try and get you Vala saluting :)
Wee! Thank ya, babe! *vbg*
Everybody hated the ending
Really? I gotta start reading up the flist. I'm looking forward to seeing what others have said about this ep. (*crossing fingers for getting a chance to read over lunch*)
I figured, the more of that they had, the less of the teamness offworld they could have, and that was all too goodly!
Heh. There is that, lol!
Busy girl :( *hugs and massages*
I've got 15 minutes to get ready. *sighs* And I have no idea how this week will be like, 'cause we have another proposal due this friday (think essay with pictures, lol). Work is for wussies. *nods*
Have a wonderful lazy day, Stephi! *snafuggles*
Okay... 10 mins. Eeep!
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