Was a bit frustrated today, so I wound up making some icons, lol. ;)
Spoils: Origin, Orpheus, Proving Ground, and an early promo shot
One Dan/Cam slash-ish, and the rest are gen.
Caps come from
jackslashdaniel, and
_shroomy_ Grab if you want. :)
8 icons below )
HAHAHAHA, Cheyenne Mountain as in Brokemack Mountain *dies of luf*
And the animated one! *squee*
*wants them all*
*bg* Used that promo shot from j/d.com. :D Was playing with Sam for colouring effects and decided to do the rest afterwards, lol.
HAHAHAHA, Cheyenne Mountain as in Brokemack Mountain *dies of luf*
*giggles* That one is all Skater's fault. *nods*
And the animated one! *squee*
*vbg* Not that I have anything against Daniel... ;)
*wants them all*
*pushes them all Steph's way* :P
I can imagine, lol. BB doesn't come out here until the 26th but even then it isn't coming out in Armidale :( It should come here eventually.
*pushes them all Steph's way* :P
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