Nov 25, 2011 23:38
Well, we are 15 Trillion Dollars in Debt with another Hundred Trillion or so in Unfunded Liabilities. So how do you plan to pay up the Million Dollars of it that is your "Fair Share"?
Chances are, you haven't been paying much in Taxes, most Americans don't. You've probably been paying more in Social Security and you will never see that money again. Soon you will be paying much, much more in Taxes, that is assuming you have a job.
Far more people do not have jobs now, than used to. While the Official Figure lingers around Nine Percent, where it has been for most of the last three years, twice what it was for most of the Generation before those three years, this is incomplete. Even less convoluted than trying to count the U-6, it is easy enough to see who, even with two years of unemployment coverage, has still managed to fall off the end of the roster. By this figure the unemployment rate is at least double and likely to get worse instead of better.
If you want to halve the official unemployment rate, just don't extend their unemployment anymore. Give them two months and be done with it, but they won't just get up and get jobs, not all of them anyway. Some will finally fall back on survival jobs, jobs that usually exist but barely pay enough to subsist. Not good for the economy, but not worse than just giving them unemployment that has mutated into welfare.
We are in a state where you walk past five people and of those five, only two work and only one pays taxes. The other three are having their lifestyle subsidized by that one taxpayer.
On the subject of not working, forget about Pensions. Even the Military can now expect to have its retirement benefits, like its VA benefits, "scaled back" to "bring them in line with other government workers". So lets see, serve your country through twenty years of blood, sweat, sand, flies that lay eggs in your skin and having to give Abdul the first shot at you, to get the same retirement plan as the guy who licks envelopes for the IRS and the same Medical Benefits for your blown off arm as all the other homeless people who can't afford insurance.
Yeah I'm sure we'll be really eager to mobilize inside American Borders to prop up this failing government. At least as eager as the Syrian Military, you know, those guys who just got a nice UN position Governing Human Rights. Over our completely ignored objections.
I think the Russians also ignored us when our Magnanimous Leader was bragging about the fruits of his Negotiations with them and a few hours later, Russia started targeting all of our facilities with Missiles and threatened to tear up every treaty they ever signed with us.
Leon Panetta was correct to describe this as Apocalyptic. We are not just dumping one of the world's largest and busiest Armies into the Unemployment Roster, while curtailing all of the benefits they had signed on to. We are not just canceling our Next Generation of Destroyers, Aircraft, Aircraft Carriers and Weapons Systems. We are doing all of this, while on the precipice of a War, the likes of which we have not seen since at Least World War II.
In all honesty, we have not seen a calamity like this, in the last two thousand years. Expect a Thousand Year Dark Age and expect it soon.
It starts with the tightening and subsequent failure of cyberspace. No more free and/or anonymous email. You're not getting a G-Mail Account until you give us a cell phone number, in your name, with GPS Tracking. You're not saying anything, to anyone, until we know exactly who and where you are and maybe, what you are doing right now. If we disapprove, there is a black bag with your Tracking Number on it.