Random pic of the day, #3

Apr 20, 2006 01:17

As promised! ^.^ Once again, the random pic of the day doesn't belong to this day, but was taken in the early spring last year. (More than a year ago... that sort of hurts). But, well, it features flowers and sunsets, both of which are things that are quite present lately in our life, too. Kiyoaki loves sunsets. I am obsessed with sunsets, not totally in a good way. They unsettle me a lot and I must photograph them. As for the flowers, they are everywhere right now. Spring is so beautiful it sometimes feels like a parody of itself. This afternoon I stepped out the door and a rain of flowers fell on me from the trees above. Imagine.

Slighty OT note: I'm in love with Baroque music [and I don't know why I bother at all listening to other music that doesn't give me half the pleasure]. I'm in love with countertenors. I never recovered from Farinelli -I was about sixteen, it was such a shock the morning after I could't concentrate on my school work-, nor have I recovered from Cry to heaven. As a result of it all, I dream of a young singer boy doll with a sensitive androgynous face that will dress up as a girl for his performances (I think of Tonio Treschi walking about Rome in full woman's attire, I think of Lucien Rouvère as Isabelle in the school play in Les amitiés particulières), and perhaps sometimes just for the fun of it, and he'll have such sweet dark brown eyes, huge and clear, and tousled light brown hair and maybe freckles or maybe just a porcelain-perfect complexion  and he'll actually have been emasculated and he'll be independent and affectionate and strange and cheerful with a touch of melancholy deep deep down and - and this totally messes my wishlist up again.

wishlist, pictures

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