(no subject)

Feb 04, 2005 23:29

People at work were flying off the handle about Bush and Roe v. Wade today. The wackos on the subway had their shout-fest this morning.

I must say, for the final time, Roe v. Wade is not, I repeat NOT, going to be overturned. If you know ANYTHING about how our court system works, or how precedents are overturned, then you'd probably see that. Your alarmism causes real people to tune out to the real dangers, because they get tired of hearing that the sky is falling.

Even if, by some freak accident, the destruction of Roe v Wade happened, it would do ONE thing, it would throw the issue of abortion back to the states. THATS IT. All you damn people freaking out and throwing hissy fits about how abortion is going to be illegal, you clearly do not understand your own governmental system. Go back to civics. Do not pass go, do not collect your constitutional rights.

So, in summary: Roe v Wade isn't going anywhere. Even if it did, that STILL wouldn't outlaw abortion, all it would do would be make it a state's issue again, instead of a Federal one. The chances that, then, all 50 states would summarily ban abortion is utter lunacy.

Whats more ridiculous is what it says about the average citizen of this country that they think that if it isn't a federal law it isn't a law at all.
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