Welcome to the one and only official site of Hummingbird! The young girl has been in featured films for a few months - and even with her face covered she has become one of many (and possibly even most!) popular erotic snuff artists! Her work is filled with some of the most delicious forms of torture one-on-one in Abyss filming today!
Featured films include: Flowers of Flesh and Blood! ❀ The Devil’s Daughter! ❀ Anti-Clockwork! ❀ Sinister Dove Maniacs! - And many more!
[[OOC: Phew, alright! This is the website of Minatsuki’s snuff shit. If anyone is wondering about it, she does have her face covered in all her films. She usually wears a latex ski-mask and her work uniform is something that resembles adorable lolita fashion. The films can only be found in Abyss and it is unknown to a shitload of people that she is basically insane. Minatsuki's identity is very private in the snuff business and thus no one on the network should know she does such business, however! If you wish to plot something out about the whole thing then just ask here in a OOC note!]]