Mar 02, 2010 22:33
I have already reached that point in this blogging cycle where I feel like I'm boring. Considering that this will only be my fifth post, this is very disheartening.
Also realizing that I live a very boring life. Updates since last post?:
- Successfully used our electric can opener for the first time Sunday night.
- Spent most of yesterday afternoon being teased by seven year olds because I never really learned how to ride a bike. Instantly came home and enlisted my younger sister to dedicate her summer to teaching me.
- My new non-Dr-Pepper regime lasted all of thirty-six hours.
- Did begin my new workout schedule though. Two days of walking less than a mile and already aggravated my old knee injury to the point that I had to sit and slide to get down the stairs today. I've spent most of my day muttering profanities at my insurance company for refusing to pay for my physical therapy after telling me how badly I needed it. Seven years later, I've been told I'm beyond help as far as therapy and the only way to repair it would be to replace my ruined tendon with a cadaver piece.
- Looked up the word cadaver and promptly shuddered so badly at that mental image that I fell over. I'm kidding, I know what cadaver means, my dad's a cop. I still shuddered though.
-Procrastinated yet another day in beginning my search for a new job. Stupid seasonal job. I have until the first week of June to find another job so I can keep paying rent, and with the job market right now I am deathly afraid of having to make a return to Wal-Mart employee.
- I just shuddered again.
See what I mean? That's as exciting as my life gets. The highlight of my day was when I realized there was a new episode of Bones on my DVR that I'd never seen before. Yippee! I think I need to go get a really interesting career where I can experience all sorts of exciting things to talk about. Like a jungle tour guide. Or an Antarctic snowshoer. Except I don't know if either of those have the time or DSL to blog. Ponder, ponder...
Come to think of it, I'm not even sure why I write these blogs. There are like two or three people who read them, and they are all people I talk to on other websites as well. Oh well, I will continue to write them anyway. It's becoming a productive way of beating the writer's block that is holding the plotline of my current story hostage. Perhaps when I pay the ransom of ten-thousand Nilla Wafers and a jar of pickle relish, my muse will be returned to me and I can think of something more intriguing to write about.
For now, I think maybe I'll just sleep instead. I need to be at least semi-conscious tomorrow, going in to actually inquire about the job I've been procrastinating about for a week. Wish me luck, I really do want this job. Especially if it means I can work more than seventeen hours a week. Because I'm greedy like that and I'd like to have money left after rent to put into savings so I have it for the day when my car finally decides to keel over for good.
Oh, right, I'm going to bed, not starting another tangent.
P.S. For those of you who actually read these things, give me prompts for more posts. Whoa, that sounded demanding. Retry. Could you possibly leave a comment dictating something you would like me to discuss, please? Be it politics, religion, favorite things, least favorite things, my personal life or lack thereof, an elaboration on the fact that I do not possess the balancing skills to ride a two-wheeled device that can be mastered by most five year olds. I'm more than willing to oblige. Merci, mes amis.