Welcome! Eat, drink, & be active!

Mar 21, 2010 21:18

Hi there, lovely people of artiekurt, and welcome! I know how pretentious it is to make a mod post for a community with nine watchers-many of you from my f-list, bless you guys-but I’ve got a few questions, and would love some input!

First, I’ve been trying to figure out a tasteful, unobtrusive advertising MO. I am hyperaware of this being about the five-thousandth Glee community, so I haven’t done any hardcore promotion yet (though if any of you would like to tell your friends about this place, I would not be opposed, hint hint ♥). Especially owing to the limited amount of Artie/Kurt content, putting out big, flashy ads would seem excessive-but this ship has got to take off somewhere, right? I was wondering if any of you would be willing to give me a hand!

Here’s the idea: Anyone who wants to help out writes an Artie/Kurt drabble. Length can range anywhere from 100 to maybe 500 words-the goal is to prevent this from causing you stress or disturbing your normal fic-writing schedule! After everyone who wants to participate has sent one in, I will compile them into a single post for gleeslash or another larger Glee comm. Of course, all contributors will receive credit for their respective works. Graphics, fanart, or fanmixes of the Artie/Kurt variety would also be great! I just think that a collaborative post would give us a chance to advertise with some new content-and showcase the talent of our community at the same time! ♥ Please comment on this entry if you are interested!

Second: How do you feel about allowing Kevin/Chris RPS here? I personally am not opposed to it; it could potentially double our activity here, as Kevin/Chris has a decent following-but if you have strong opinions either for or against it, I would love to hear from you!

Third: I am also working on the (diminutive) Artie/Kurt fic master list. Here are the ones I’ve found so far:

Revolution by chronic_lady
Hands, Touching Hands by eyesarmslove
Can't Buy Me Love by slash4femme
Don't You Want Somebody to Love? by slash4femme
Space Oddity by slash4femme (seriously, let’s pin a medal on this author)
Those Things About You by starryskies
Put Me Back Together by whatsername22 on Fanfiction.net
Untitled by Anonymous on glee_kink

This is the unofficial list. The real one will be linked in the community information. If you know of any other fics, please tell me so I can add them! I feel like I’m forgetting some big ones, but I’ve been so bad about saving things to my memories. You can never have too much Artie/Kurt; that’s the key thing, here. You can never have too much Artie/Kurt. Which brings me to my…

Final order of business! Is anyone working on any Artie/Kurt now? Any plot bunnies, meme prompts, icons, or graphics? If you are, please don’t forget to share with this community, and to do a little artiekurt promotion if you feel inclined to cross-post. It’s my fondest hope that this ship gains a fun, active following, and you are the pioneers! ♥ Thanks so much to all of you for your interest.

♥ Jockchic
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