I just posted in The Apartment Vegan yesterday, and it is definitely my favorite post to date. I think I finally pegged exactly what I am going for when I write there. I am trying to post recipes that are tasty, as a part of posts that are entertaining enough, that you would want to read them even if you aren't a vegan.
Here's my process:
1. Think of a dish that I want to write about.
2. Write out a recipe for it. Sometimes I have made it enough times that I just sit down and write, sometimes I have to go through a few test runs before I have it totally worked out. (**Spoiler - I am about 50% done with a Vegan Mac 'N Cheese recipe.)
3. Think of why I care about that food, and write about that.
4. Combine the two and post.
So yeah, I am having more fun writing this blog than I ever imagined possible. I am glad to be getting such a positive response. Oh, and speaking of having just posted...
Check out my version of my
Grandma Davies' Stuffed Giant Zucchini