[tm] 272 - do you have any pets?

Mar 05, 2009 15:03

Do I want pets? Hell no, you kidding me? Look at me, I’m undead! If I were still human, I’d be worried about leaving behind an orphan…I’m ninety, after all, a mortal my age would be running on borrowed time. I’m not human, though, so I’d be afraid of outliving the poor thing.

You heard it here first, folks: Artie Jackson is a sap for animals. Laugh it up and lemme know when you’re done, then maybe I can continue in peace.

I had a pet, once…when I was ten, had a puppy. Beautiful little mongrel with the sweetest disposition, answered to the name of Sirloin. No commentary on my poor choice of names, I did well enough with my kids.

Anyway, Sirloin was everything a kid could ask for. I loved that dog like nobody’s business…and what happens? He gets hold of some errant rat poison while we’re out crusading one day and dies soon after. Broke my heart, never had it in me to get another pet of any sort after that. Nope, not even a goldfish. I was even leery of my kids getting pets, but I got saved on that front because Gail was so damn picky about critter dander in her house.

I settle on having dogs by proxy these days. Joe’s kids are vying for a puppy, and Rian’s little fella Shadow’s a nice enough dog. Terry has a cat named Ramona that’s a marvel and a half if ever there was one, and she’s an odd duck among cats: she likes me.

Pet of my own, though? Forget that noise. Wouldn’t end well for either one of us…if I want an animal, I’ll borrow one.

Muse: Artie Jackson
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 282

verse: canon, tm: challenges, theatrical muse

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