Damn it feels good to be a gangsta..........like Donald Trump

Sep 19, 2005 22:59

Right now, I feel that Donald Trump is an asshole. He was on the Tonight Show the other day, minding his own business and displaying his otherwise awful haircut and mono-tone personality, and then Leno popped the question.

Leno: How do you feel about gas prices?

Well in short, I don't have the dialogue, but Trump proceeded to blame the idiots in politics (somewhat true) because there is plenty of gas and it's basically the oil producing nations that are ripping us off. As if he wasn't already on a roll, he said that we don't have the right group of people negotiating with the said oil producing nations.

Leno: would you go over there and negotiate?

Trump: ooooh yeah (with strong determined look).

What do I have to say? Easy for you to say Trump...... FUCK YOU! you wouldn't go! You're to busy producing shitty shows and stupid commercials! Easy for you to say we don't have the right people when you're talking out of your $50 burger-eating-trap (its true, saw it on VH1... ;-) )

By the way, our government is part of the problem, but those Arab nations you're speaking of didn't ask us to start using large trucks for every day transportation. In fact Donald, rich bastards like you are the perfect American spokes people: inefficient and wasteful. Why don't you go over and talk to them A-rabs and represent this country. They'll tell you that as long as there is increasing demand from China, India and America, oil prices will rise, simple economics. And they'll probably even tell you that when every refinery in the U.S. is at capacity, when a few go down (say in a hurricane), you're screwed. Supply shrinks, price increases...take all your money and build another refinery if you want to help.

Go back to your non-english speaking trophy wife and shitty TV show. nobody cares about you....well maybe they will if you donate more money to Hurricane relief than Oprah...maybe...

And with that said, I'll add that fall around here is nothing like fall at Penn State.
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