Mar 18, 2007 22:59
The snow ruined my weekend, but not completly. I still got the mall into my busy schedual, haha. It's really impossible for the weekend to go by with out mallin' as ange calls it. But wow i haven't wrote in here in forever and i think i really should. Lately i've been really happy, i'm content with life as it is right now. I know that thing's will work out for the best and thing's that make me upset are really not worth my time at all. It's really funny how much people have become mindless, judgemental, and mean. If i could count how many times this kid in my school puts down someone, i'd be past the amount of numbers i could count. If that made any sense at all, what im trying to say is its like he can't go a day with out talking shit on someone. If i didn't have to deal with him everyday then i would have smacked him and told him what a freaking jerk he is. Anyway, I really hope thing's stay the way they are right now. People need to start living life, stop mopeing, stop counting on other people to make you happy, and stop seeking sympathy from others. That doesn't get you anywhere and it sure does get people annoyed. If i could make some one happy every day i think i would, even though i, myself am not always the happiest person. I try to be, but i guess sometimes it is hard to deal with stuff. But, hey that's life. It's all a big game, just like the board game accualy. We have to learn how to play it the right way..
Anyway, i'm just gonna fill you in on the last couple of weekends, they've been worth typing about.
I go on adventure's, like these.
Last weekend;
Well on friday i was planning on seeing a movie with ange, denielle, tim, kate, alexa, indy, and danielle. but when we got there we couldnt get in the R one so were flipping out on what to do. Then secruity tells us to leave or go in a movie, ummm right. So we decided to run to shop rite. During this i put ange in a shopping cart while tim video tapes it. Let's just say she almost got hit by a car a couple of times. So we bought coffee stuff from the dounkin donuts, now we just wander around shop rite. Alexa, tim, I find some signs that we rip off the food section. Alexa = Organic, Tim = Fat Free, and I had Mangers Specail. Yeah, how funny are we. So then we hear the guy in the deli say he called secruity? So were like shitt, and we jet out of there. Then some lady was like excuse me, give me that. Meaning my sign :( so i'm running outta shop rite with ange and tim, and we thought everyone was behind us. Next stop, liquor store. Tim and me bought two packs of Red bull :) They were put in those brown bags so we figured we could have fun with that. Next stop, old lady store with our brown bags. But now it's tim, ange, indy, danille, and me. So the old ladies think we're just about insane and think were carring alcohol, so we leave before they can kick us out. Side note, We're all freezing with no place to go because the movie place kicked us out. AND half of us have to freaking pee. Another side note, It's only Tim, ange, danielle, and indy. Turns out we left Denielle alone in shop rite, she was flipping out. And kate and alexa took off to fridays. End of plaza adventure. Den's mom picked us up and we went back to her house. Us, meaning Ange, Tim, Danielle, Denielle, and Indy. We played manhunt and chilled on den's trampoline. we had fun car rides and random laughing fits. I love them, haha<3
then i went to the mall and such the rest of the weekend.
The weekend before that i got grounded so i only went out on Friday.
Damn parents.
So i went to the mall and hung out with Ange, Gabby, Monica, and later in the night Jay.
So we ran around the mall and went outside, but everyone was scared of smelling like smoke which was hard cause everyone outside (under the carosel) was freaking smokeing. so we came back inside and walked around. skip to buying rockstar and stupid cvs drinks, that were never payed for. then there were these secruity guards who suck at life, completly. So everything is closing but we pay no attention to that and go find the candy store and massage chairs. We sat there for awhile then i freaked out because sears was closing, where we had to leave from. So were running trying to leave but jay told us to chill cause we can go out the side doors. So we stay longer on the rides by the cookie place. As were leaving these kids behind us are a good distraction, bad idea. But anyway, we get out the side door and i didn't realize my parents were kinda right there, so gabby throws a ciggarette box she found on the floor over the fence, even worse idea. Skip to getting in the car and my mom asking who the kid was and how old he is, because Jay went and got in his own car. So my mom flipped out that and said i lied to her? Because i didn't tell her who i was hanging out with or their ages? Um, right mom! And then she brang up the cigg. over the fence deatail. and she got into "How do i even know you were at the mall. You could have been somewhere else with that kid" umm yeah, because i do that all the time. And then she got ever more mad cause it was almsot 10 and we came out of the side? Wow, parents suck. and seriously she shouldn't get pissed at that, i do worse anyway. God, parent's really suck, that must be the 3439349 time i've said that.
So that was the only thing i did that weekend.
Yeah, my life. I get kicked out of places and secruity hates me and my friends.
We're stupid. yeahhh!