YaYy~ No more exams for at least two months xDDD
And I don't think my tests ate my soul. I'm still alive. I think><
Now, I can resume my stalking, oops, I mean fangirling of Suzaku and Subaru :D
Oh and I just found staggeringly angsty tragic bishounen kyaaa. Sumeragi Subaru xDDD How could I not have read Tokyo Babylon for so long????
But the story was so sad. so tragic. so wonderful xDDDD
and I do not read Subaru as Suzaku. Nope, not at all. Nor do I read Saukurazukamori as Suzakumori nonono I don't xDDDD
oh and the title Sakurazukamori Suzaku sounding so fitting *g*
sakurazuka setsuka
sakurazuka seishirou
sakurazuka subaru
sakurazuka suzaku
don't they all sound like they're related? xDDD