Soundtrack to my life

Apr 03, 2009 01:48

I've finally done it. I have a master CD of my audio autobiography.

Note: this won't make much sense unless you actually can hear the tracks. There are a few here that I can say pretty much for sure that you've never heard. If you would like a CD, please let me know by sending me an email: saturn at rocketship dot com. If you could make a small contribution to the cost of blank CDs, that would be nice.

The Voyage Begins - Galapagos Duck.
I listened to the Duck a fair bit as a kid. This track is full of unrealised potential.

It's Still Rock And Roll To Me - Billy Joel
This track is my high school. I never really fit in to any social group - I always felt a little bit like an outsider.

Buck Naked - David Byrne
I discovered religion...

Heaven Must Be Boring - George Hrab
...and lost it.

Memories Can't Wait - Talking Heads
I discovered pot...

Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
...and discovered Smithfield.

The Logical Song - Supertramp
This is an interesting one. At this time I really didn't know where I fit in. I was confused.

Dreams - Grace Slick
I dabbled in neopaganism.

Creatures of Love - Talking Heads
But then we decided that we wanted children, and everything changed. I mean everything.

Juice - Headless Chickens
I became nostalgic for what I used to be...

She Blinded Me With Science - Thomas Dolby
...but then I doscovered how completely fucking awesome the universe really was.

Extian - Greydon Square
I realised that there was no God...

It's A Sin - Pet Shop Boys
...and revelled in it.

That's Why People Fall In Love - Thomas Dolby
I've done this a few times. It's never logical.

Fortress Around Your Heart - Sting
I don't quite know exactly why this fits in here, but it really does.

Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon and Garfunkel
This is what I have become over the years. I'm speaking to several people here. Most of them are not on LJ. If you don't think that this is intended for you, then you are wrong. This is me. This is what I am, age thirty-nine. I love you all.



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