Your result for The "What's your Soul Instrument?" Test...
15 individuality, 8 complexity
Congratulations! Your soul instrument is a didgeridoo. Reputedly the world's oldest wind instrument, each didgeridoo is unique and special, but beautifully simple. With this instrument, what you see is what you get... Which is, to all intents and purposes, a piece of wood. But it has soul! And forty minutes of the same continuous note can only be a good thing, right?
So what does this tell me about you? Well, you're practical, ingenious, highly individual, a little bit self-absorbed at times but mostly very grounded and straightforward. And naturally, you always stick out from the crowd!
Take The "What's your Soul Instrument?" Test at
HelloQuizzy I'll post some serious entries sometime soon, I promise. I've still got the last of my travel diaries to post, but I'm waiting on a decent connection speed so that I can upload the photos.