He got you the day off today... he got us all a lot more and saved us from much more.
you can spare him twenty minutes. Before they were killed .. in the 1960s' Giants walked the earth and spoke eloquent word of wisdom that seemed to have died as much before their time as the men who were gunned down for speaking them.
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Dont think I put this here to say that it relates to Afghanistan or Iraq... but because this is what greatness sounds like. and a lot of what he says about our society is still something we need to keep having said, and heard and hopefully someday heeded.
( I posted this on facebook, Myspace, and here 24 hours ago. and did something I rarely do at all and sent to MOST of my yahoo contacts by Email... exactly ONE response. I've seen livelier discourse about peoples breakfast cereals.... leading me to wonder if theres a filter on the web .. or whether they've just taken the last 40 years to incorporate it directly into our brains)