Mar 12, 2010 01:31
Melbourne, or rather Australia, has a high cost of living. Things are so expensive here. A pizza at Phillip's island can cost $9AU. Mcflurry costs 3.25 and apple pie 2+. However, it you look at things in a different way. Melbourne is a great place to be. The scenery is great, and it's the largest city of Australia~ Prolly the most exciting part of this trip was today, where we went to see penguins coming home from the sea? Wonder which sea though. There are cute, and tiny, something you can't find in Singapore.
'm rather greatful to have signed up for this sabbatical. Funny how i thought this sabbatical will suck cause i only knew 1 person in the whole group. But yeah after 6 days, i've made new friends, and singled out the guai lan ones. Especially the sec 3s. Ok there are 3 sec 3s that i reallyyyyyyyy don't like. 1 guy was talking to another and i could smell his breath. 2nd guy has a weirdddddd attitude, he approached me this morning asking me to teach him how to play a guitar, as though he could learn it within an hour, then he "kope"d our trip teacher's fries like no one's business.
But anyway, that's not the point. Just recalling where we went. hm. Great ocean road. Port Fairy, Tower Hill, Phillip Island. I think there are more to it. Geographically, they totally own singapore~~ Got to see rock erosions, wind mills those hugeeeeeee ones, Penguins, Extinct volcano.
Been to the melbourne uni for the 3 days, which was the highlight of the sabb. Learnt stuff like multiculturalism, indigenious Australia, and British Australia. The lecturer, our lecturer was awesome. compared to our school teachers. And almost all of our lecturers, had phds by 30? As compared to our principal. who had his at fifty. Australia is really complicated, first the abo ruled the country, then came in colonization whereby Euro and British, mainly British, took over the whole country. Because they look down on the abo because they were of the "black" race, they killed them indirectly by preventing them from growing crops etc. Now abos in Aussie is only less than 2% of the population sadly. Hell i dont know what i'm saying
But anyway, it's sad to leave melbourne now. 's been a memorable 6 days. But blah i shouldn't forget about all those who made it possible : Parents Friends Lecturers Driver(who drove >300km) Rangers.
(It's the last day, we're spending it at Melbourne city itself. :D *hint hint* But you end at 330 hahaha D: oh JSYK we went melbourne central on wed afternoon!! i wonder if you were there )