Jan 22, 2012 19:26
Is this comm still alive? Sort of? I hope so, 'cause I need some help. I'm looking to write and self-publish a short anthology of Arthurian stories, but I fear my writing is in sore need of polish. Because I am self-publishing, I don't really have the budget to out-and-out hire an editor, so I was hoping that someone (or a couple of someones) might be magnanimous enough to donate their time and skills to beta-reading the stories I plan on including in the antho.
As a brief summary, the book will be Mordred-centric and largely LGBT-themed. The stories will not be linear or related in terms of plot, and will range from traditional (ish) to modern-set to future-set. If I get any sort of money off of this thing, I will do my utmost to compensate anyone who extends me their betaing services. I know this is probably not the best place for this, but it was the only place I could think of where I knew there'd be people interested enough in Arthuriana to at least consider giving me some help.
Thanks in advance to anyone who even considers!