Title: Now is the Winter
Author: Soujin
Characters/Pairings: Sagramore/Ragnelle
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Yes
Disclaimer: Copyright has presumably expired.
Summary: Gawain is dead.
Notes: double-drabble for
Ragnelle is as young as she ever was. The moss between her fingers is subtle green, the cluster of vines around one foot still supple. When he returns to his room he finds her sitting on his bed, waiting for him.
It’s been seven years since she left.
“Sir. My lord did once save thy life, did he not?”
Sagramore’s throat tightens despite him. “Yes. He did that.”
“I would thou now paid him that service back.”
“You ask me in his name?”
Ragnelle stands, in a sweep of green skirts, and begins to unlace her gown with her deft fingers. “I ask thee to bide with me in my grief.”
“A fine grief, lady.”
“Thou hast no knowledge of this. I am cold in summer and barren when I should be full. I know thou didst well love him and follow him for that love’s sake. I desire some comfort and I ask it of thee for that. Wilt thou give that to me? My life because he gave thee thine?”
She looks at him coolly, naked now, and Sagramore reaches to unbuckle his sword. It’s true he himself feels barren.
It’s true she’s cold. He warms her.