Title: Perilous
Author: Soujin
Characters/Pairings: Sagramore/Ywain
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Yes
Disclaimer: Copyright has presumably expired.
Summary: Basically Sagramore is accident-prone AGAIN.
Notes: for
get_laid25. Loosely based on Pyle's Companions of Launcelot or something like that. >_>
When Sagramore gets back to camp in nearly pieces, Ywain is shocked silent. He isn’t ordinarily too much a talker--giving his mother any opportunity to find things out about him was something he learned early to avoid. On the other hand, he’s been comfortable around Sagramore since he met him. The warm voice, the easy movement, induced him first to conversation and then to bed, tangled in sheets and breathless endearments.
It’s not so hard to understand, he told himself then.
Now he attends to Sagramore’s wounds, does his best to brush away Sagramore’s tight-voiced jests, and wordlessly swears vengeance.