Title: Deception
Author: Soujin
Characters/Pairings: Sagramore/Morgan
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Sure
Disclaimer: Copyright has presumably expired.
Summary: Morgan makes an offer Sagramore doesn't refuse.
Notes: Drabble for
"You miss my nephew, don't you?"
He answers truthfully, not certain there's any other way--for every country he's called home the witches have been different, and he doesn't dare to trifle with them.
She smiles, a slim coiled strike of a smile. "Let me help."
He doesn't know whether to refuse politely or accept; then she runs her fingertips slowly down his body, caresses his thigh with her other hand. At the same time her face changes, and he, young and foolish, doesn't run from her. He lets out a whimper, and kisses a mouth that feels like Mordred's.