Title: Burning Bright
Author: Soujin
Characters/Pairings: Sagramore/Lynet
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Sure
Disclaimer: Copyright has presumably expired.
Summary: Sagramore and Lynet lie.
Notes: Drabble for
Lynet curses him. Her mouse-brown hair is unbraided, loose over her shoulders. Her husband has been dead now six months, or seven, and so she lets Sagramore come to her--he knows it's a great concession, will always be, no matter what comfort she takes. Sometimes he makes mistakes, as he has done now, to call her by a name that prevents her from pretending he's slain Gaheris.
So quietly he draws her down again. Her angry hands reach for him, and he murmurs lady and only that (after all, pretending is nothing more than he himself does).