The one where a sneaky foot massage leads to smut - Arthur/Merlin one-shot

Jun 27, 2011 14:15

Title: The one where a sneaky foot massage leads to smut
Author: little_seahorse 
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin
Warnings/Spoilers: Fingering, modern!AU
Disclaimer: Merlin is owned by the BBC, i'm not making any money from this.
Summary: "Arthur Pendragon dislikes hearing words like 'silver-spoon,' and 'spoilt,' and 'privileged."
Author Notes: This is a gift for elirwen. Many thanks to fr333bird for her ace beta work. This is partly inspired by psmitheryand mizufae's brilliant story Deft
Word Count: aprox. 5500

Direct cut to my journal...

(Dear mods - I hope I've tagged this properly, please let me know if I haven't.)

era: modern, contributor: little_seahorse, fanfiction: one-shot, rating: nc-17, ship: arthur/merlin

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