So who is this guy, anyhow?

May 21, 2020 10:17

Welcome to my LJ. Be warned, I'm very political.

I've been quoting this definition (which is mine; I don't think I stole this quote from anyone) for so long that I figure I might as well put it up here as a kind of sticky, to refer people to as required. And I've added my thoughts (and George Carlin's thoughts) on "democracy" in America, as well.

Oh, and one last note, I keep the whole journal friends-only. Drop me a line if you want in. Thanks. And related to that, do not repost any of my posts or comments to Facebook, Twitter, or other sites. I might get very, very angry.

I'm also watching the "1001 Movies You Must Watch Before You Die". In order. I'm blogging about them here. (Under my real name, so please don't cross my identities.)
                What's the difference between a left-winger and a right-winger?
The left-winger thinks the government should help EVERYBODY ...
                ... except big business.
The right-winger thinks the government shouldn't help ANYBODY ...
                ... except ...
... big business.
Another note. The US (and, increasingly, Canada as well) is no longer a democracy. A democracy (from the Greek δημος (dêmos) "people") is a land ruled by "government of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE," to quote Abraham Lincoln.

Instead, the system here is a plutocracy (from the Greek πλουτος (ploutos) "wealth"), with a government of the DOLLAR, by the DOLLAR, and for the DOLLAR.

Remember, boys and girls, the stress is on the second syllable. plu-TO-cra-cy

Don't believe me? Listen to Brother George Carlin, where he lays down the gospel truth in plain, unvarnished language.

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