Title: the universe in tiny stories
Author: kaminagi
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Ariadne/Arthur
Summary: "Why is it so important to dream?" Because there are things they discover only when dreaming.
Notes: Three little ficlets originally written for
caramelsilver's 3 sentence ficathon.
Also available on
out of time
For the prompt:
Any science fiction, any, out of time.
They can hear it, the strains of Edith Piaf's voice filtering through the layers of the dream, distorted like sound in water, as the world begins to tilt.
Ariadne hates this feeling most of all, the sense of crumbling instability, and the sudden rush of time decompressing far too fast, and how she feels like she is endlessly falling.
It's probably why Arthur kisses her now (every time) and grips her hands tight, to give her (them) something solid to hold onto until they wake again.
every heart is a package / tangled up in knots someone else has tied
For the prompt:
Any fandom or original, any characters or pairings, Every heart is a package / Tangled up in knots someone else tied Arthur is very careful to keep his feelings to himself, all twisted in a snarled and tightly bound mess, until it's brutally cut like the Gordian knot.
So it's rather unnerving when Ariadne finds his parcel of secrets in a dream and begins undoing the knots like her namesake unraveled the secrets of the labyrinth.
But he appreciates the gentle way she opens the box and quietly smiles at its contents, and thinks to himself that there's no one else he'd rather have unpicking the tangles surrounding his heart.
For the prompt:
Any fandom (or original), any characters or pairings, salvage There's nothing here for you," Arthur says, bewildered when she finds him at the shores of decaying memory, desperately grasping a red thread that he has been too afraid to follow and too afraid to let go, "why are you here?"
"I'm the architect," Ariadne whispers, and he sees that she is not here to build from nothing and raze it to the ground, but to salvage, to save him from sinking into a sea of void.
And when she hauls them to the surface from the waves of ruin, with the red thread tightly bound around their wrists, he knows at last that she will always pull him from his doom.