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Как это сделано?Вуали в скульптуре.
Было несколько скульпторов, которые настолько мастерски передавали впечатление тончайшей ткани, что поражаешься- как это сделано?
Техника вуалей в скульптуре известна еще со времен Древней Греции:
Terracotta head of a veiled woman
2nd-1st century B.C.
Greek, Cypriot
Terracotta head of a veiled woman
Date: 4th century B.C.
the technique is as old as the Greeks, as this sculpture from the IV Century a.C. shows (Metropolitan Museum).
Marble Head of Veiled Woman (4th c. BC, Greek, PC, NY Met)
Statuette of a veiled and masked dancer,
Hellenistic, 3rd-2nd century B.C. - Greek
http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/1972.118.95 -------Antonio Corradini-(1668-1752)---------
Antonio Corradini "Sara"
Antonio Corradini "Sara"
Bust of a Veiled Woman (Puritas) 1717 - 1725
Museo del Settecento Veneziano, Ca' Rezzonico, Venice, Italy
Sculpture, Marble
Done by Antonio Corradini
Veiled Woman (Puritas)
Antonio Corradini
tuccia (la_velata)
La pudizia
La pudizia
antonio corradini modesty
Мodesty. Santa Maria della Piet dei Sangro, Naples, Italy
---------Giuseppe Sanmartino-(1720-1793)------
Первая датированная работа - мраморный Христос под плащаницей (1753), первоначально заказанный скульптору Антонио Коррадини, в капелле Сан-Северо.
Скульптура вызвала восхищение Антонио Кановы, который, по его словам, отдал бы десять лет жизни, чтобы стать автором такого произведения.
легенда гласит, что реальная вуаль окаменела .
Giuseppe Sanmartino, one of the most famous sculptor of his time, which masterpiece, Il Cristo Velato, is hosted by Sansevero Chapel, the legend says that a real veil was petrified thanks to alchemical processes.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Sanmartino ---------------Louvre----------------
Veiled Woman (second quarter of the 18th century)
Standing in the Louvre in Paris and only about 138cm tall... The identity of the sculptor is unknown, as is the identity of the subject: a beautiful woman with her face veiled
--------------19 век----------
--------Raffaelle Monti (1818 - 1881)-----------
--------------The Sleep Of Sorrow-------------
"Сон скорби и радость мечты"
Made in London by Raffaelle Monti
The Sleep Of Sorrow And The Dream Of Joy By Raffaelle Monti
-------------Vestal Virgin----------------
Veiled Vestal Virgin by Raffaelle Monti,Chatsworth House
'The veiled Vestal Virgin' byRaffaelle Monti
-------------Circassian Slave------------
Circassian Slave
Artist: Raffaele Monti
The Bride - Porcelain - Raffaelle Monti [Italian sculptor 1818-1881] - c. 1873
Marble Bust of a Veiled Maiden Signed By Raffaello Monti
Marble Bust of a Veiled Maiden Signed By Raffaello Monti
Origin: England
Circa: 1860 AD
http://www.barakatgallery.com/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raffaelle_Montihttp://www.cinemamir.com/forum/?do=board&op=topic&id=2198 -----------Giovanni Strazza (1818-1875)-------
statue carved in Rome by Italian sculptor Giovanni Strazza, depicting the bust of a veiled Blessed Virgin Mary.
statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in marble, by Strazza.
---------------Разные ----------
The Veiled Rebecca is a sculpture created by an Italian sculptor, Giovanni Maria Benzoni depicting Rebecca.
Rebecca is the bride of Isaac. She is covered in a transparent veil during their wedding.
Veiled statue
Атланта, музей
An allegory of Religion, in not very good conditions, sited at Trieste monumental cemeter
This statue is lying on the fontana dei quattro continenti in Piazza Unità.
veiled woman
sculpture at the Loeb Art Center.
veiled woman
sculpture at the Loeb Art Center.
Veiled Lady
Artist Rossi, Pietro
Date 1882
Петродворец, скульптура " Дама под вуалью"
--------Giuseppe Croff----
Giuseppe Croff (d. 1869) - The Veiled Nun, 1860.
Giuseppe Croff (d. 1869) - The Veiled Nun, 1860.
Giovanni Battista Lombardi (1823-1880): Veiled Woman, 1869.
Элизабет Экройд , ХХ век
------------Надгробные скульптуры--
-------------Tomb sculpture------------
Stefano Maderno 1576-1636
Warsaw. Powązki. Tomb sculpture - woman with a veiled face.
Vienna Grave
Veiled Woman Statue
statue in Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetary), Vienna
Veiled Statue, Zentralfriedhof
Pere Lachaise Cemetery, Paris
Medardo Rosso, bronze, 1906
Bronze Bust Sculpture of Frank Zappa Unveiled in Baltimore
------------ХХ век--Kevin Frances Gray----------
Kids on a Tomb, Sculpture by Kevin Francis Gray
Fiberglass Resin, Automotive Paint
Ghost Girl by Kevin Frances Gray.
Очень хотелось бы узнать у френдов-скульпторов- есть ли специальные приемы, которыми достигается иллюзия тонкой прозрачной ткани?
Ведь если просто скопировать поверхность вуали на лице- вряд ли получится такой эффект.
Еще по теме:
Тайны нерукотворных изображений Христа: плащаница и "вуали Вероники"-ТУТ http://vultus.stblogs.org/father-mark/2006/11/http://www.flickr.com/photos/pietro33/5817868778/http://www.flickr.com/photos/31974387@N05/3077077217/sizes/l/in/photostream/http://www.etsy.com/listing/95050142/hold-for-jen-veiled-womanhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/billkimandthecats/4455413351/http://www.flickr.com/search/groups/?q=veiled+woman&m=pool&w=38355075%40N00http://www.flickr.com/search/groups/?m=pool&w=64982767%40N00&q=veiled+womanhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/lonewanderer1987/7525995610/sizes/l/in/photostream/http://www.flickr.com/search/groups/?m=pool&w=90899514%40N00&q=veiled+womanhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/lukaszrokicki/6315807278/http://goffrosenthal.squarespace.com/artist-galleries/kevin-francis-gray/http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/kevin-francis-grayhttp://www.flickr.com/search/groups/?m=pool&w=90899514%40N00&q=veiled+woman