Next to Normal

May 28, 2010 23:27

So I went to go see Next to Normal on Broadway yesterday.

It was... well...

The basic idea of the musical is that it's about a family trying to deal with the mother's literal insanity. No, she's actually insane. Delusions, severe depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder... she's got a lot going on. And her family is trying to deal with her mental problems.

This subject is very... relavent to me. I won't go into details- not online- but it's relavent.

So there's the mother, who's insane, the father who's trying to cope with being her husband, and then her daughter. Her teenage daughter. The one with the excellent grades, who has to be perfect and get into a good college and everything, as WELL as deal with her mentally disabled family member...
And then she sings a song called "Superboy and the Invisible Girl."

Now I will admit that I cry at fiction all the time. But at Next to Normal, starting at that song, but continuing for the rest of the musical... I just broke down. It was technically a school trip too, since it was paid for by the school, so I was surrounded by my classmates, and I can usually control myself- especially around other people. But I couldn't stop myself. I just kept crying... it was gross by the end. But I couldn't even stop the tears from coming.... It's so intense, and it cuts you right to the core like a knife, and it's a tear-jerker to begin with, but then when you add in how relevant it is to me... I just broke down completely.

...I loved it. You should go see it. You should REALLY see it. It's incredible. I won't go see it with you though. As much as I loved it, I don't think I could take it again...

*sighs* It's been over 24 hours, and I'm still emotionally drained from it. I think I need a hug. And something sweet and sugary.

music, next to normal

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