I don't even know- I've had a combination of
A River Flows in You and
Total Eclipse of the Heart stuck in my head for the past few hours, but I don't really mind. They're both just awesome songs. (Yes, I am well aware that A River Flows in You was the original Bella's Lullaby, but it was written way before Twilight. And besides, that doesn't stop it from being an absolutely beautiful piece of music, or change the fact that you should all listen to it.)
I had a day off today, and it was amazing. I was supposed to spend all of it writing, but I ended up sleeping until about 12 instead, then I read for a while until about 1, and then I spent the rest of my time until 5 (when I finally started catching up on my writing) playing DDR and Guitar Hero. I have no regrets.
I just found out that I can get YouTube on my phone. I suppose I can kiss whatever productivity I had before goodbye now. XD
Oh, and apparantly there's a con in New Bruswick- at Rutgers- called Mokucon on December 5th. Oh, and it's free. So I don't even know how I'm gonna pay for train fare or for stuff in the artist's alley and dealers room and all... but FREE CON = WIN. Oh, and Vic Mignogna is going to be there. sldfkjdlkjfsljf VIC MIGNOGNA. Just sayin'. XD