Oct 06, 2009 18:38
Mmm... I need to get to sleep earlier. I'm tired, and I haven't even been doing that much today. :/
So apparantly my school's bowling team is really good... who knew? GO HSAS SENATORS!!
...Yes, we're the Senators. We're the High School of American Studies at Lehman College. What do you want from us??
People spam a lot on Facebook, don't they? I'd complain, but I do the same thing... XD
Also, my mom is Facebook!stalking me. I don't really know what to say about it... but she called me out on doing some homework late, since I mentioned it in my status. I never thought they'd look!! DX
...But if she's Facebook!stalking me, she may also try LiveJournal!stalking me, which is why this is friends locked. ^_^;;
I need the Raul Esparza version of Being Alive. I have the Karen Mason version which is a medley with Help! (you know, by the Beatles) and... I really don't like it. It's just the only copy of it I have... I need to find a better way to get it...
...This post has no point. I just... want to talk to you all. I feel like I'm not on LJ as much anymore, even though I have better internet... I miss you guys!! If that makes any sense... XD
go senators!!,
the book of face,
high school