we got ragnaros!

Jul 07, 2005 02:04

oh yeah, because i know you all care so very much, my guild, just crusade, just killed ragnaros!

he's the final end-game boss in world of warcraft (for now, at least, 'til there's an expansion or something) and it's taken many hours of perseverance and hard work to get to him. we started and finished the entire molten core instance in less than five hours, which is just insane. the first time we ever got to molten core was months ago when it took us over seven hours just to get to the first boss. such frustrating times. now we can clear the ENTIRE instance, which is TEN bosses, in less than five hours. insane, eh?

anyway, it was great seeing ragnaros' health get down to 10%, 5%, 2% .. dead! go, just crusade! here's a video of the fight for all you WoW players out there!
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