Testing BlogJet on LJ

Aug 31, 2004 12:02

Have been thinking about blogs and blogging lately for work.  Just downloaded a trial of Blogjet.  Trying it out.

On the whole it's pretty neat.  A really simple WYSIWYG editor for updating blogs.  For the geeks out there who don't want to type a href=foo every time they want to link.

There's a few technical hurdles that make it geek-only, particularly with regard to Movable Type. For my MT account, I had to Telnet (SSH) in to the server, cd around until I found the director that contained the right xmlrpc.cgi file, and then manually enter the entire (root-relative) path (including /home/).  Probably not ready for prime time consumer use.

Also, it's spell checker doesn't know the words blog or blogjet.  Also, spell checker tries to change my color into colour.  Fine with me, I'm 1/2 Canadian anyway.

High ASCII Characters: !#@#^%$&^&

Testing Text coloring.

An image (will break):

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