Things that taste good

May 28, 2007 20:04

Mango-Banana-Ancho-Lime Sorbet

3 mangoes
1 banana
1 ancho chili pepper
1 lime
1 cup water
1/2 cup plus 2T sugar

Rip up the pepper into tiny pieces.  Boil the water, 1/2 cup sugar, and pepper (with seeds) and let sit for 1 hour.  Mash the mango and banana together.  Squeeze the lime and sprinkle the remaining sugar over them.  Refrigerate for 1 hour.  Remove the pepper parts from the sugar water.  Incorporate the sugar water into the fruit.  Refrigerate again until thoroughly cool.  Freeze in an ice cream maker.

This will not be spicy, but it will have the subtle and complex flavor of ancho chilies.
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