Литература об африканском присутствии в Европе.

May 08, 2013 21:22

Литература о африканском присутствии в Европе

Allen, Alma C. "Literary Relations Between Spain and Africa." Journal of Negro History (Apr 1965): 97-105.
Ali, Ahmed, and Ibrahim Ali. The Black Celts: An Ancient African Civilization in Ireland and Britain. Cardiff: Punt Publications, 1992.
Azikiwe, Ben Nnamdi. "The Negro in Greek Mythology." The Crisis (Mar 1934): 65-66
Beg, Ian. The Cult of the Black Virgin. London: Arkana, 1985.
Bernal, Martin. "Black Athena: The African and Levantine Roots of Greece." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985: 66-82.
Birley, Anthony. Septimius Severus: The African Emperor. Garden City: Doubleday, 1972.
Blakeley, Allison. Blacks in the Dutch World: The Evolution of Racial Imagery in a Modern Society. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.
Blakeley, Allison. "The Negro in Imperial Russia: A Preliminary Sketch." Journal of Negro History 61, No. 4 (1976): 351-61.
Blakeley, Allison. "Santa's Black Aide: A Glimpse at Race Relations in Holland." New Directions: The Howard University Magazine (Jan 1980): 26-29.
Blakeley, Allison. Russia and the Negro: Blacks in Russian History and Thought. Washington, D.C.: Howard University Press, 1986.
Brentjes, Burchard. "Anton Wilhelm Amo, First African Philosopher in European Universities. " Current Anthropology (Sep 1975).
Brunson, James E. "The African Presence in the Ancient Mediterranean Isles and Mainland Greece." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985: 36-65.
Brunson, James E., and Runoko Rashidi. "The Moors in Antiquity." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 248-77.
Carew, Jan Rynveld. "Moorish Culture-Bringers: Bearers of Enlightenment. " Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 248-77.
Carlisle, Edward E., and Josephine E. Carlisle. Historical Sketches of the Ancient Negro: A Compilation. 1920; rpt. London: African Publication Society, 1981: 76-97.
Chandler, Wayne B. "Hannibal: Nemesis of Rome." Great Black Leaders: Ancient and Modern. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1988: 282-91.
Clegg, Legrand H. II. "The First Invaders." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985: 23-35.
Cobb, Martha. "Afro-Arabs, Blackamoors and Blacks: An Inquiry into Race Concepts through Spanish Literature." Black World 21 (Feb 1972): 32-40.
Cowherd, Carrie. "Roman and Carthaginian Spain: The Black Presence." Afro-Hispanic Review (May 1983): 23-25.
Cox, George O. "The Umayyad Empire and the Caliphate of Cordoba." Chap. in African Empires and Civilizations: Ancient and Medieval. Washington, D.C.: African Heritage Studies, 1974: 133-58.
Dabydeen, David. Hogarth's Blacks: Images of Blacks in Eighteenth Century English Art. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1987.
DeCosta, Miriam. "The Portrayal of Blacks in a Spanish Medieval Manuscript." Negro History Bulletin 37, No. 1 (1974): 193-96.
DeCosta, Miriam, ed. Blacks in Hispanic Literature: Critical Essays. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1977.
DeGraft-Johnson, J.C. African Glory: The Story of Vanished Negro Civilizations. 1954; rpt. Afterword by John Henrik Clarke. Baltimore: Black Classic Press, 1986.
Edwards, Paul, and James Walvin. "Africans in Britain, 1500-1800." The African Diaspora: Interpretive Essays. Edited by Martin L. Kilson and Robert I. Rotberg. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1976: 173-204.
Eterovich, Francis H., and Christopher Spalatin, eds. "The Roman Colonization of Moors in the Balkans and in Other Regions of Europe." Chap. in Croatia: Land, People, Culture, Vol. 2. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970: 383-86.
Finch, Charles S. "The Evolution of the Caucasoid." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985: 17-22.
Hansberry, William Leo. "Ethiopian Ambassadors to Latin Courts and Latin Emissaries to Prester John." The Ethiopian Observer 9, No. 2 (1965).
Heyob, Sharon Kelly, and M.J. Vermaseren. The Cult of Isis Among Women in the Greco-Roman World. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1975.
Hilliard, Asa G. III. "Blacks in Antiquity: A Review." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985: 90-95.
Holte, Clarence L. "The Black in Pre-Revolutionary Russia." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985: 261-75.
Jackson, John G. Introduction to the Story of the Moors in Spain, by Stanley Lane-Poole. Baltimore: Black Classic Press, 1988.
Jackson, John G. "The Empire of the Moors." Compiled, with an Appendix, by Runoko Rashidi. Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 85-92.
Johnson, Rosalind. "African Presence in Shakespearean Drama: Parallels Between Othello and the Historical Leo Africanus." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985: 276-87.
Jones, Edward L. Review of Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience, by Frank M. Snowden Jr. In the Black Scholar 2, No. 6 (Feb 1971): 56-59.
Jones, Edward L. Profiles in African Heritage. Black Studies Series (In Classical History). Seattle: University of Washington, 1972.
Kaplan, Paul H.D. The Rise of the Black Magus in Western Art. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1993.
Karageorghis, Vassos. Blacks in Ancient Cypriot Art. New York: Menil Foundation, 1988.
Killens, John Oliver. Great Black Russian: A Novel on the Life and Times of Alexander Pushkin. Introduction by Addison Gayle. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989.
Lane-Poole, Stanley. The Story of the Moors in Spain. 1887; rpt. Baltimore: Black Classic Press, 1990.
Livy. The War with Hannibal. Translated by Aubrey De Selincourt. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.
The Mabinogion. Translated with an Introduction by by Gwyn Jones and Thomas Jones. London: Dent, 1957.
MacRitchie, David. Ancient and Modern Britons: A Retrospect, 2 Vols. 1884: rpt. Introduction by William Preston. Los Angeles: Preston, 1985.
Massey, Gerald. A Book of the Beginnings: Containing an Attempt to Recover and Reconstitute the Lost Origines of the Myths and Mysteries, Types and Symbols, Religion and Language, with Egypt for the Mouthpiece and Africa as the Birthplace. Vol. 1, Egyptian Origines in the British Isles. 1881; rpt. Secaucus: University Books, 1974.
McCloy, Shelby T. The Negro in France. Frankfort: University of Kentucky Press, 1961.
Morien. Translated from the Medieval Dutch by Jessie L. Weston. London: Nutt, 1901.
Olela, Henry. From Ancient Africa to Ancient Greece: An Introduction to the History of Philosophy. Edited by Edward F.Collins and Alveda King Beal. Atlanta: Black Heritage Corporation, 1981.
Parker, George Wells. "The African Origin of the Grecian Civilization. " Journal of Negro History 2, No. 3 (1917): 324-44.
Rashidi, Runoko. "Ancient and Modern Britons." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985: 251-60.
Rashidi, Runoko. Introduction to the Study of African Classical Civilizations. London: Karnak House, 1993.
Ravell, James. "An Annotated Bibliography of the Moors: 711-1492 A.D." Golden Age of the Moor. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992: 407-54.
Raven, Susan. Rome in Africa. 3d ed. London: Routledge, 1993.
Redd, Danita. "Black Madonnas of Europe: Diffusion of the African Isis." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985.
Rogers, Joel Augustus. Nature Knows No Color-Line: Research Into the Negro Ancestry in the White Race. 3d ed. New York: Helga M. Rogers, 1952.
Rogers, Joel Augustus. World's Great Men of Color, 2 Vols. Edited with an Introduction, Commentary, and New Bibliographical Notes by John Henrik Clarke. New York: Collier, 1972.
Sampson, Margaret. "Africa in Medieval Spanish Literature. Its Appearance in El Caballero Cifar." Negro History Bulletin (Dec 1969): 14-18.
Scobie, Edward. Black Britannia: A History of Blacks in Britain. Chicago: Johnson Publishing Co., 1972.
Scobie, Edward. Global African Presence. Introduction by Ivan Van Sertima. Brooklyn: A&B Publishers, 1994.
Schomburg, Arthur Alfonso. "Macrinus, African Roman Emperor." New York Age, 12 Oct 1935: 6.
Seiferth, Wolfgang S. "Saint Mauritius, African." Phylon 4th qtr. (1941): 370-76.
Smith, Colin. Christians and Moors in Spain, Vol. 1: 711-1150. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1988.
Snowden, Frank M., Jr. Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1970.
Snowden, Frank M., Jr. Before Color Prejudice: The Ancient View of Blacks. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983.
Suckhale-Redlefsen, Gude. The Black Saint Maurice. Foreword by Ladislas Bugner. Houston: Menil Foundation, 1987.
Thompson, Lloyd. Romans and Blacks. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989.
Tuck, Jim. "Marcus Opellius Macrinus: Rome's Negro Emperor." Negro Digest (Feb 1969): 22-28.
Valdes, Mario. "The Black Wiseman in European Symbolism." Journal of African Civilizations 3, No. 1 (1981): 67-85.
Van Sertima, Ivan Van, ed. African Presence in Early Europe. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1985.
Van Sertima, Ivan, ed. Golden Age of the Moor. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 1992.
Williams, Larry Obadele. "The African (Kemetic) Influence in the Greco-Roman World." Chap. in Reconstructing Kemetic Culture: Papers, Perspective, Projects. Edited by Maulana Karenga. Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press, 1990: 42-65.
Wimby, Diedre (Rekhety). "The Greco-Roman Tradition Concerning Ethiopia and Egypt." Black Books Bulletin 7, No. 1 (1980): 14-19.

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