Obligatory I'm-still-here-and-I-should-post-more post

Nov 13, 2014 21:14

Yes, I'm still here. Sort of. I read my friends feed on occasion (a far cry from my check-LJ-10-times-per-day days). I think, "Gosh, I should get back to writing on LJ every day or two." And then, like many of us, I spend most of my online time elsewhere: Twitter, tumblr, Facebook. Places where I can dash off a quick line or share something posted by someone else. Places where it's very easy to share a fast pic or thought. Places where it's easier to connect with others, or at least seem to.

The last 5 years have seen a lot of change in my life, and much of my life has been in a sort of limbo (and still is). It's hard to write, to share yourself, when you're in limbo. There's always something more productive, designed to get you out of limbo, that you should be doing. And so often, I'm out there doing the more productive thing, which means personal writing goes by the wayside. Even my paper journal has only seen me sporadically in recent years.

So anyway, that's where I am. And I really DO hope to get back to posting more on LJ someday soon. To do more writing that expresses more than one quick thought. To get back to ranting a little more. To reclaim this place of my own.
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