A listing of
my tweets should tell you what I'm thinking about today...
-For those wanting an official bio of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor:
http://is.gd/F3TI She is absolutely qualified.
(about 6 hours ago)
-Sotomayor has the broad experience needed to be a justice, and has done so much that would serve her well on the Court.
(about 6 hours ago)
-To wit: stellar education, gov't prosecutor (crim), private practice/civil litigation, writing and teaching experience, service orgs.
(about 6 hours ago)
-Also, she kind of reminds me of The Oracle in The Matrix, which can only be a plus.
(about 6 hours ago)
-Some summaries of Sotomayor's appellate opinions, for the curious:
http://is.gd/F6I9(about 5 hours ago)
-What's wrong with Hollywood today: it actually wants to remake the Buffy movie, sans Joss Whedon.
http://is.gd/FbZp Blasphemers and morons.
(about 5 hours ago)
-Wow. Way to wimp out, California Supreme Court:
http://is.gd/FlmH(about 3 hours ago)
-RT @anamariecox: "CA Supreme Court follows People vs. KFC precedent: no more gay marriage except for 18,000 who already used coupon." (v ...
(about 3 hours ago)
-Shorter CA S. Ct.: "Well, it's alright for SOME." Where the hell in American jurisprudence is that still allowed? This. Is. Ridiculous.
(about 3 hours ago)
-@bitterandrew I'm a lawyer, and I can't understand it. It's so half-assed, and I can't think of any precedent for it.
(about 3 hours ago)
-You know what you get when a "majority" gets to decide the basic rights of a minority? Slavery. Segregation. Discrimination.
(about 3 hours ago)
-I hereby make a motion to call Ross Douthat "The Douchehat" for as long as he writes like one, i.e., likely always.
http://is.gd/Fw4X(about 1 hour ago)
-Oh, and California? Time for a constitutional convention, seriously. Your amendment process is the fundamental underlying problem here.
(about 1 hour ago)