
Feb 25, 2009 19:18

It's been ages, i know, i know, i'm a horrible person. So. i'm going to crashcourse you all on LIFE.

I am going to hell. That is, yesterday I got given a new comp (senior project- baby dissertation/thesis) project. So i am starting STARTING, from scratch, like a month and half late. My old topic was translating between the hebrew calendar and the gregorian calendar. My new topic is the Cycloid. These things are not even pretend related. I woke up, went to work, went to class, comped, ate dinner, comped, and just came home at 7pm. Sadly, this is better than anticipated. I think i can get away with working tomorrow only between lunch and dinner, instead of also in the morning. This is good news.

Now for the way scarier news that i should have told you all ages ago and never did. My plans for the future are CRAZY. I told my parents over winter break that I ddin't think I wanted to go to grad school, so now i'm not. They said it was alright, as long as I did something "productive". My mother suggested that I join the peacecorps (no). My father suggest that i teach esl in china, or japan. This is a serious possibility. But for right now i'm going with their third suggestion: backpacking across Europe. I may go to japan later, or grad school. I don't know, but once i graduate i need to hang out in Penn till i serve jury duty, and then hit the big blue wet thing. So, if you're going to be in not america next year, let me know, perhaps we can hang out.

You really deserve a lot more than this, but i'm lazy, and busy. So no.

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