Goddamnit Echo!

Nov 14, 2009 20:35

So today I added a side-character that I thought would be hilarious. I named her Krystal Methings, hence the hilarity. (The name came because my mom was watching Oprah today and she talked to a woman who was SERIOUSLY NAMED THIS.) And then Krys started taking over. She decided that she was way too adorable to be cast aside, and quickly added herself to the cast.

I'm okay with this. I like Krys. She's this happy-go-lucky optimist type who's all "Come on guys! Let's go have ADVENTURES!" It's fun to write. BUT THEN she started developing, because characters do that. And it turns out she's gay. And likes my original FMC. And now I have some fluffy lesbians in the works.

GODDAMN ECHO AND HER FLUFFY LESBIANS. Not that I mind writing it, but poor Shay. Everyone he spends any significant time around is gay, and now he doesn't even have Joss to side with while avoiding the PDA.

random, nanowrimo, everybody in the world is gay

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