Friends Quiz Memetime Extravaganzaaaa!

Oct 07, 2009 21:44

Here are my answers about you guys for your reading pleasure. I REFUSE TO PUT IT UNDER A CUT BECAUSE USUALLY THAT DOESN'T WORK OUT SO HOT.

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1) What video game does lyricalecho remind you of?'s just her style
2) Is the_binksdance an emo? I TRULY doubt it
3) Is ceiling_smiley in a relationship? If she is, she has a LOT of explaining to do...
4) What languages does maskedinshadow speak? Do you take French? I think you do...
5) Is lyricalecho a high school student? yup
6) What is ceiling_smiley's favorite band/artist? *bites lip* No clue...I think we discussed both liking Goo Goo Dolls once...
7) Does maskedinshadow drink? >.> I HOPE not...
8) When did you last call lyricalecho? Probably...never? Last email was yesterday, though.
9) maskedinshadow's hair color? Originally brown...currently, sort of purple-ish
10) What animal does spinners_grove remind you of? A chibi mouse with huge eyes
11) Do stella_muse and stella_muse go to the same school? ...Do I have to answer that one?
12) Is lyricalecho 1337? Oh, most definitely. XD
13) Where did you first meet the_binksdance? school
14) lyricalecho's eye color? ...brown...? I hope?
15) Where would stella_muse most like to visit? Probably a fictionalized Japan where she could wreak havoc w/characters.
16) If stella_muse and the_binksdance were siamese twins where would they be joined? PERMANENT HIGH FIVE *just because that'd be cool*
17) Has maskedinshadow dyed their hair? yup
18) What do you agree with spinners_grove about? snaaaaaaape
19) If the_binksdance was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? For some reason, Moist popped into my head, so I'll go with him :D
20) What mental disorder does the_binksdance remind you of? ...Schitzophrenia? How am I supposed to answer this nicely?
21) What is spinners_grove's favorite color? ...something tells me it's either green or blue
22) Does maskedinshadow smoke? Again, I truly hope not...
23) If lyricalecho took over the world, who would suffer? GREYBACK and PYRAMIDHEAD
24) What is maskedinshadow's favorite game? pokemon...or spit
25) What planet should spinners_grove be from? Neptune? Something about you strikes me as "from Neptune." *shrugs*
26) If the_binksdance and stella_muse were spliced together, what would it be like? Sam would probably break Katherine's mind...that wouldn't be so good...
27) How would ceiling_smiley kill lyricalecho? *giggles* I just can't imagine Elena killing anybody...
28) Is ceiling_smiley your best friend? Don't know her quite that well, but we're friends! XD
29) Does lyricalecho do drugs? Yes. Ouran. Which is crack.
30) Is lyricalecho a college student? nope
31) Thoughts on the_binksdance? She probably is wanting me to read her book right about now. Instead I do a meme.
32) What do you disagree with lyricalecho about? Ketchup and mustard. *insert battle scene music*
33) Does stella_muse have a dog? yus is a big dog and quite cute
34) Which president would the_binksdance be likely to idolize? Abe Lincoln? ...Because he had a sweet hat?
35) If the_binksdance had a superpower, what would it be? MIIND CONTROLLL pro'lly
36) How would chevy_the_geek conquer the world? Via cookies, obviously.
37) What is lyricalecho's favorite movie? currently probably EL DORADO
38) Is lyricalecho related to maskedinshadow? I sincerely hope not, because I would have missed something major there...
39) Is ceiling_smiley introverted or extroverted? Pretty extroverted, I think.
40) Is maskedinshadow single? ...I honestly couldn't answer that.
41) Is chevy_the_geek related to you? not really at all

random, meme, friends

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